Road Charge Projects

Technology is changing the way Californians move around the state. Not only are people driving more fuel-efficient and electric cars, they’re also using rideshare apps instead of driving. Use of transit and active transportation is growing. Freight patterns are shifting. Government agencies and private companies alike are also testing autonomous vehicle systems. The landscape of how we travel in California is changing. We have to prepare for the future and that includes how we fund road infrastructure.

Road Charge Collection Pilot

Senate Bill 339 requires a Road Charge Collection Pilot to test and evaluate issues with billings and payments of money to the State and report those results to the Legislature.

Welcome to California road sign

Public/Private Roads Project

The Public/Private Roads Project tested the ability of current GPS technology to differentiate when a car is driving on a public versus a private road, while protecting the user’s privacy.

truck loaded with hay driving in a field

Overview of Potential Administrative Process

Senate Bill SB 339 requires the California State Transportation Agency to develop a process that could be considered to administer a road charge in California.

Sunset over an interstate

California Four Phase Demonstration

In 2021 California tested how road charge could work with four technologies: usage-based insurance, ridesharing, EV charging stations/pay-at-the-pump systems, and autonomous vehicles.

Person using RFID card to pay at a charging station

RUC America Regional Pilot

A first of its kind demonstration that will integrate road charge data from vehicles spanning multiple states, setting the stage for a regional system and pilot test.

Close up of a persons hand using a tablet device

California’s 2017 Road Charge Pilot

In 2016-17 California ran the largest road charge test in the nation, piloting more than 5,000 vehicles reporting more than 37 million miles over nine months.

Vehicles on an interstate

Communications Research

This 2020 study investigates disadvantaged communities' understanding of transportation funding and their responses to and priorities for a road charge concept.

Close up of a gas pump

Financial Impacts Research

California is a unique and diverse state, and understanding the potential impacts on different communities is very important.

person looking off into a field