Road Charge Projects

Road Charge Collection Pilot

You could earn up to $400 by helping California plan for the future of transportation funding!

What is the California Road Charge Collection Pilot?

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is conducting a research study to test if a per-mile fee, called a Road Charge, would be a fair and sustainable way to replace the gas tax.

Currently, taxes on gasoline and diesel provide most of the money to build and maintain California roads and highways.  But hybrid and electric vehicles use very little gas, or no gas at all, and pay much less in fuel taxes. California is predicting a large funding drop in the future as more drivers switch to vehicles that use less gas.

California passed Senate Bill 339 in 2021 to test the payment of a road charge and report the research study results back to the Legislature.  We need you to participate in the Road Charge Collection Pilot and share your experience.

Cars on a highway

Participation is simple, and here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Sign Up

    The Pilot interest sign-up window closed June 30, 2024. Caltrans is seeking a wide range of people throughout the state and participants will be selected in July 2024. Participation in this Pilot is not guaranteed until you receive an invitation to enroll via email.

  2. Get Selected and Enroll

    If you receive an invitation to participate in the Pilot, you will be asked to enroll on the Transurban website through a unique link. Complete the steps to set up your account by providing your information, your vehicle details, and a credit card for payment of the road charges.

    The options to report the miles driven each month are:

    • Plug-in Device: Inserted into dash and can use GPS location, or not use GPS.
    • Vehicle Telematics: Requires a connected vehicle account from automaker.
    • Odometer Entry: A photograph of the odometer is submitted each month.

    For more information on these mileage reporting options, visit our FAQs.

  3. Drive and Pay for 6 Months

    Drive as you normally would from August 2024 through end of January 2025. You will be asked to pay road charges on the miles driven each month (see rate information under Do I need to pay for the Road Charge each month in the 2024 Pilot?). Participants will receive a credit at the end of the study for gas taxes paid on gas used in the Pilot. Electric vehicles will receive partial credit of the Road Improvement Fee (annual registration fee).

  4. Take Two Surveys

    Complete one survey at the beginning of the Pilot and one survey at the end of the Pilot to provide your thoughts on the experience and earn incentives.

  5. Get Paid up to $400 in Gift Cards

    Participants can earn up to $400* in gift cards by completing the following Pilot activities:

    • $100: Enroll in the Pilot and complete the first survey.
    • $100: Complete the second survey at the end of the Pilot.
    • $200: Pay road charges every month (incentive paid at end of Pilot).

    * Employees or contractors of the California Transportation Agency, or any of their subsidiary agencies or departments, are not eligible to earn or receive any pilot incentives.

    * Elected California government officials are not eligible to earn or receive any pilot incentives.

Pilot Contact Information

Have questions or need help?

Email us at

Pilot Background

Senate Bill 339 (Wiener, Chapter 308, Statutes of 2021), signed by Governor Newsom on Sept. 24, 2021, directs California to “implement a pilot program to identify and evaluate issues related to the collection of revenue for a road charge program.” The Pilot will be an important step to determining a Road Charge revenue collection system that works within California’s unique financial and administrative structure and offers an opportunity to study the impact of differing Road Charge rates. The knowledge gained from the Road Charge Collection Pilot will help to minimize the risks associated with the possible adoption of a new transportation funding mechanism and contribute to developing a successful Road Charge structure.

The Road Usage Charge Technical Advisory Committee was required to make recommendations to the Transportation Agency on the design of the Pilot. The Road Charge Pilot Design Recommendations and Rates report was released June 29, 2023.

2024 Pilot - Wondering what joining the pilot means?

Pilot Length

Six months: August 2024 – January 2025

Miles Reported By

  • Plug-in device (with or without GPS)
  • Vehicle Telematics
  • Odometer Photograph

Road Charges

Monthly payment by Participant

Gas Tax Credits

Paid to Participant after Pilot ends

Incentive Amount

Up to $400 in gift cards can be earned


Any participant location or personally identifiable data collected during Pilot is protected and then destroyed